I Asked a Girl Out and She Said Maybe (2024)

If you asked a girl out and she said maybe, you either didn’t make her feel enough attraction first, or she is just trying to make you chase her a little more.

You may have interacted with her several times and you can definitely feel a spark between you. You’ve also sensed that there is some attraction from her side. Yet, when you ask her out on a date, she says, “Maybe.”


You might have felt shocked at her answer and wondered why she would want to play games like that, when clearly she has some interest in you.

You maybe even ask a friend, “Hey, can you help me? I asked a girl out and she said maybe? What does this mean? Did I do something wrong? Did I misjudge her interest in me? What do I do now? How do I get her to say yes?”

You’ve been left standing scratching your head, with a whole lot of burning questions that you don’t know how to answer and are now wondering what to do.

Here’s What You Must Do Right Now

Do not think that you’ve blown it because you haven’t. You can get this girl to date you, you can have sex with her and you can have a relationship with her.

In most cases, she will simply be testing your confidence to see if you will doubt yourself, or she will testing to see how much you like her. Either way, you have to remain confident and focus on making her feel attracted to you.

Here’s a great video by Dan Bacon (founder of The Modern Man), which explains how a woman’s attraction for a man works….

What Not to Do

Okay, let’s face it, the whole situation was a let down. After all the excitement and adrenaline of a blossoming new romance you feel like you’ve been punched in the chops. In some ways you feel that it would have been better if she had just said no, because this way you would know.

With a “maybe” you just don’t know where you stand with her, nor do you know what to do next. There is nothing a guy hates more than being left uncertain about whether he’s got the girl or not. And there’s also the social consequences of having to tell your friends, “I asked a girl out and she said maybe?”

A whole range of emotions rage within you and you decide to react. However, this is the point where you can make or break the (potential) relationship and it is all dependent on what you do next.

If you still want to get that date with her then above all else DO NOT do any of the following things:

1. Don’t appear to be hurt
You are the man in this situation and you definitely do not want to give her all the power over you. If you act all hurt she will perceive you as weak and insecure and this is a sure fire way of changing her “maybe” into a “no”.

2. Don’t get angry

Behaving like a spoilt child who didn’t get what he wanted is definitely not a turn on for anyone. Getting angry with her and shouting is the quickest way to blow your chances with her. Even if you don’t show your anger immediately, anger has a funny way of festering and will show its ugly head the next time you see her. Maintain a cool head at all times.

3. Don’t think, behave or act in aninsecure way

Behaving like an insecure little boy is a definite turn off. Insecurity is the behavior displayed by lower ranking males and is definitely not they way that alpha males behave. Women are attracted to alpha males and if you react with insecurity she will definitely walk away… for ever.

4. Don’t beg or nag her

“Please, please, please go out with me!”, “Please, please, please say yes!” Please, please, PLEASE do NOT beg! There is nothing attractive about a man who begs or nags and if you want her to run, this is the best way to achieve it. Begging is a sure sign of a lack of self esteem and women are attracted to confident men… period.

5. Don’t stalk or harass her

Okay, need I say more here? Don’t be a stalker; that is just creepy and it reeks of desperation. Making her think that she’s stuck with a psychopath is definitely not going to get her to say yes. Back off and don’t act desperate… or crazy.

6. Don’t text, e-mail or phone her repeatedly

This is the same principle as above. Modern technology allows you to harass a person from a distance. Don’t do it.

7. Don’t just roll over and play dead

Finally, when all has been said and done, the worst thing you can do is just give up. You have a golden opportunity here to get this girl to go out on a date with you and then take things further from there; a kiss, sex and even a relationship.

How you handle this first “test” that she’s given you will determine whether you will proceed further, or whether it will fizzle out and die a premature death. Now is not the time to give up, now is the time to act like and alpha male and take action.

Extra Things That You Can Do to Ensure That She Says, “YES!” Next Time

Now that we’ve covered some of the important things that you shouldn’t do, let us look at more of the things that you should do.

1. Take charge of the situation

If you’ve asked her out and she’s said maybe you are simply giving her too much power over the decision. She doesn’t necessarily want to be put in the position of having to make a decision.

She dreams of feeling so much attraction for a guy and having such strong feelings for him that she is desperate to be with him, not the other way around. Take charge of the situation and make her want you so badly that she can’t resist saying yes.

This is classic alpha male behavior and irresistible to women. Confidence is sexy; if you’re not groveling at her feet or showing how hurt, confused or insecure you are she will be making up her mind (in your favor) sooner rather than later.

2. Flirt with her

Flirting is sexy; it gets the body to release endorphins and adds a playfulness to the interaction between a man and a woman. Flirting denotes confidence and self assurance and is a definite turn on.

3. Turn her on with your body language

Body language is more powerful than words. A simple touch of the hand can yield results better than a thousand words. Use body language to lure her in and have her eating out of the palm of your hand.

4. Make her feel sexy; make her feel like a woman

Women want to feel sexy; they want to feel like a woman. This means that you have to be the man. If she senses that you are weak and that she has to “wear the pants” she will be turned off.

A strong, confident man with high self esteem will take charge of the situation and make her feel sexy; so much so that she’ll want to say “yes” right away because she’ll want to feel more of what she’s feeling.

5. Be interesting and funny

A man who is interesting and funny is a definite catch. These characteristics show that he takes time to develop himself and she perceives him to be a forward thinker; someone who has goals and who is moving forward in his life. This is a turn on and a sure fire way to get her to say “yes”.

Seal the Deal

I Asked a Girl Out and She Said Maybe (1)

Establish yourself as the alpha male in the relationship. Make her feel so much attraction for you that she is the one coming to you for more.

Remember, women don’t want to feel like they are doing aguy a big favor by going out with him. She wants to feel lucky to be hooking up with you and potentially getting into a relationship with you.

Want to Know the SECRET to Success With Women?

Watch this hidden video where Dan exposes his BIGGEST secret to success with women, which allows you to easily get laid or get a girlfriend.

This video is only available here and you can watch it for free right now.

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I Asked a Girl Out and She Said Maybe (2)

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I Asked a Girl Out and She Said Maybe (3)

You are about to discover my personal secret for success with women. This FREE video will BLOW YOUR MIND (I promise!)

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I Asked a Girl Out and She Said Maybe (2024)


What happens if you ask a girl out and she says maybe? ›

Usually it means she's just shy. That said, there's also a small chance it means she's undecided about you yet. Maybe because she's just met you or hasn't even thought about you in that way yet.

Does maybe always mean no? ›

Maybe is famously used as a middle ground between yes and no. If you're not definitely sure that something is a yes or a no, you can say maybe.

How do you respond to maybe? ›

People say "Maybe" when they don't have the guts to say "No". So next time you hear someone tell you "maybe", just smile politely, and say "ok".

Is a maybe to a date a no? ›

Maybe, in this type of situation, does not mean “maybe” or “give me some time to think about it”. It's a flat out no. It's a politer way of saying “I don't wanna be harsh, but I want to convey a simple 'no' without hurting or embarrassing you.

Is maybe a nice way to say no? ›

Saying Maybe Is Okay Too!

If you haven't noticed already, saying maybe isn't exactly saying no. Sometimes, you might really just need time to think over something. Maybe you really want to help out on a project because it'll benefit you too, but you're not immediately sure how it would fit into your schedule.

How do you say maybe to someone asking you out? ›

So instead of saying maybe, use:
  1. Perhaps I can make it. Let me check my calendar.
  2. Perhaps it will work. Let me think it over.
  3. I'm not sure whether I can but I'll check my calendar and let you know.
Sep 20, 2017

Does maybe mean no from a guy? ›

"Maybe" means "no." It's a "no" that might possibly change to a "yes" in the future, but right now it's "no." "I would love to, but..." means "no." "Well, you see, I don't really think..." means "no." "I'm not ready for that" means "no."

Is maybe basically a yes? ›

No, it typically means they might or they might no. They are not sure at the time that they are asked that question, so they say “maybe" instead of giving a definite answer.

What is the problem with saying maybe? ›

Saying “maybe” gives your child or teen the impression that it could happen, and therefore he or she goes on thinking and hoping it will. This builds anticipation. So a day, a week, a month later when the event actually comes, his or her disappointment is even worse.

What is the difference between maybe and yes? ›

“Maybe” means I am not sure if I am interested yet. It does not mean “No and I am trying not to hurt your feelings” but it also doesn't mean “Yes and I just need more persuading”.

Why do we say maybe? ›

You use maybe to express uncertainty, for example when you do not know that something is definitely true, or when you are mentioning something that may possibly happen in the future in the way you describe.

What does maybe you mean? ›

used to show that something is possible or that something might be true: Maybe they'll come tomorrow. Maybe you were right after all. informal.

Why do people use maybe? ›

We use maybe and may be to talk about possibility. They are often confused because we use them both when we think that something is possible but we are not certain.

Is asking a girl out considered a date? ›

"A date is someone personally asking you out — that sometimes can get confused with a one-on-one hangout, depending on the way they mention it or which medium they use to ask you or if it happens to be a group hangout," she says.

What is a maybe date? ›

For people who enjoy each other's friendship, maybe-dates give them a safe space to explore what dating might be like without risking the friendship. Official dates can also feel a little stiff and formal if you're not used to them, so easing in with maybe-dates until you figure out the lay of the land can be helpful.

How many dates with no spark? ›

If after two or more dates you still don't feel a spark, move on, McNulty says. But consider staying friends if you enjoyed the time you spent together: “Who you're attracted to can change over time, and a spark can develop, particularly if you already have that trust and connection built.”

How to make a girl say yes? ›

How to Get People to Say Yes to What You Want, According to...
  1. Use a personal note. ...
  2. Be up front with your request. ...
  3. Use guilt to your advantage. ...
  4. Use the right words. ...
  5. Focus on what the other person will gain. ...
  6. Remind the person he or she can always say no. ...
  7. Appropriate physical touch may help.
Dec 22, 2016

How does maybe work? ›

The maybe function takes a default value, a function, and a Maybe value. If the Maybe value is Nothing, the function returns the default value. Otherwise, it applies the function to the value inside the Just and returns the result.

How do I change the maybe on my iPhone? ›

Turn Off Siri Suggestions On Your iPhone

If you want to stop “Maybe” from appearing next to a contact's name on your iPhone lock screen, go to Settings -> Siri and turn off the switch next to Suggestions on Lock Screen.

What is a cute way to say no? ›

Saying “No” to an Invitation or Offer

I'm honored, but can't. I'd love to, but I can't. I appreciate the invitation, but I am completely booked. Thanks for thinking of me, but I can't.

Does yeah maybe mean no? ›

"Maybe" means "no." It's a "no" that might possibly change to a "yes" in the future, but right now it's "no."

How do you say no in a smart way? ›

50 ways to nicely say "no"
  1. "Unfortunately, I have too much to do today. ...
  2. "I'm flattered by your offer, but no thank you."
  3. "That sounds fun, but I have a lot going on at home."
  4. "I'm not comfortable doing that task. ...
  5. "Now isn't a good time for me. ...
  6. " Sorry, I have already committed to something else.
Oct 3, 2022

What if she says maybe to a date? ›

If you asked a girl out and she said maybe, you either didn't make her feel enough attraction first, or she is just trying to make you chase her a little more. You may have interacted with her several times and you can definitely feel a spark between you. You've also sensed that there is some attraction from her side.

How do you ask someone out and get a yes? ›

There are a few things you want to keep in mind before asking someone out:
  1. Be specific. Vagueness makes people nervous. ...
  2. Stay safe. When in doubt, pick a safe activity that's low commitment for the both of you: coffee, lunch, or dinner. ...
  3. Be flexible. They may say no … ...
  4. Be cool and casual.

How do you maturely ask someone out? ›

Don't be vague with a question such as 'Want to hang? ' Be specific when asking [them] out," she says. "For example, 'Do you have time for dinner Tuesday night? ' It shows that you are interested in them as a person versus just someone to 'hang' with.” A date is a date.

What does a guy mean by maybe? ›

So, instead of agreeing to do things that he will eventually end up doing with you, he just says "maybe" until he decides that it's not worth it to not go with you because of the eventual discussion about why you never do things that you want to do.

Does maybe imply a question? ›

Maybe can't come in an interrogative question, and you shall never see it, you will only see it as an answer, not as a question: Will you come back next week? - Maybe I will come back next week.

When you ask a guy out and he says maybe? ›

If, however, he says “maybe” [full stop] … this means he has little interest and you should move on. Perhaps he would have sex with you, but he is unlikely to be interested in anything approaching a relationship. It is a lame response, from someone with little consideration for the person he is talking to.

Is maybe a direct answer? ›

It depends on the question. Sometimes “maybe” is the only correct answer to a question. When you ask a question to someone who is informed and s/he replies “maybe,” that could be valuable information.

What is the closest meaning of maybe? ›

  • perhaps.
  • possibly.
  • probably.
  • surely.
  • sure.
  • certainly.
  • conceivably.
  • mayhap.

What does maybe mean in text message? ›

In this case, it means that your device has gathered enough information about that phone number that it believes it knows who is calling, but for security and privacy reasons, it will suggest the contact as "Maybe:" until you decide to add that contact.

What does a big maybe mean? ›

You would use this expression as a response to someone saying maybe something will happen, when you believe it actually has a small chance of occurring.

What is the probability of maybe? ›

3 Adverbs of Probability – Definitely, Probably, and Maybe

What is maybe an example? ›

as a sentence adverb, making a comment on the whole sentence or clause: Maybe I'll come too. as an ordinary adverb (before a number): There were maybe 15 people there. Maybe it will snow tonight and school will be cancelled. Maybe Julie was right when she said I was jealous.

What is the power of the word maybe? ›

It's often framed as a negative thing – characterised by confusion and instability. But when we say “maybe”, we open up a world of potentials, a positive uncertain space. We grasp the freedom to decide what's best for us in the future, and make explicit the right to change our minds.

What does a strong maybe mean? ›

We most often use this phrase when we don't want to be pushed to say for certain whether we will or won't do something, or that something will or won't happen. We smile and say “That's a strong 'maybe' “ to indicate that we definitely don't know!

What does maybe mean for a girl? ›

"Maybe" means "no." It's a "no" that might possibly change to a "yes" in the future, but right now it's "no." "I would love to, but..." means "no." "Well, you see, I don't really think..." means "no."

What does maybe that's just me mean? ›

(colloquial, idiomatic) Indicates the expression of a personal opinion, but often used ironically as an understatement.

What does maybe mean in text? ›

Maybe /ˈmeɪbi/ is an adverb and it means the same as perhaps. It is written as one word: … May be.

What does yeah maybe mean from a girl? ›

It means “maybe”. It is not a “yes” and it is not a “no”. It is a “maybe”. “Maybe” answers are basically fence-sitting answers. Some people do it because they don't know how to say no, even if they want to.

When should you stop asking a girl out? ›

12 Signs to Move On
  • When she obviously avoids you.
  • If you show an interest in her, but she seems to ignore you.
  • She acts one way around you, and another way around her friends.
  • No longer responds to your calls/texts/emails/snaps.
  • She asks you to stop.
  • Or tells you you're coming on too strong.
  • Your friends tell you to move on.

Is it OK to ask a girl out you just met? ›

Wait at least a couple of days between meeting her and asking her out. Give it some time before you pop the question, whether she's a cute stranger or someone you just met through a dating app or in person. While you wait, focus on getting to know each other and forming a stronger connection.

What is the true meaning of maybe? ›

: possibly but not certainly : perhaps. ◊ Maybe is a more informal word than perhaps. It is used when you are talking about an action that has a chance of happening in the future. Maybe we'll meet again.

Does maybe not mean no? ›

A "maybe" response can indicate uncertainty or hesitation, but it can also be used as a polite way to say "no." It is im. Continue reading. Lives in Hell (2003–present) Author has 378 answers and 17.1M answer views 2y.

What does Heyyyy mean from a girl in text? ›

“Heyyy” usually means that she's super into you.

If a girl texts you “heyyy,” it's a pretty good sign that she likes you and thinks you're hot stuff. In fact, “heyyy” is often code for, “Alright, come on now. How many more signs do you need to make a move?”

Is maybe technically a yes? ›

"Maybe" only means that - no definite answer either way, although the answer could change in the future. "Yes" and "no" are also used to mean exactly what they say. You can get into a lot of trouble if a woman says "maybe" and you presume she "really" means "yes".

What not to do when asking her out? ›

DON'T discuss past breakups, past hook ups, how often you work out, what you bench, what your chill-to-pull ratio is or anything negative about another person. If you talk about your ex, she is going to think you are not over her. If you are trying too hard, she is going to roll her eyes and write you off.

Are we dating or hanging out? ›

If it's a date, you will likely see each other one-on-one or with another couple. If you're with a group of other people for the entire time, such as the other person's friend group, you're possibly just hanging out.

How many dates before a relationship? ›

According to a 2015 dating survey conducted by Time out of 11,000 people worldwide, most couples go on 5 to 6 dates before discussing a relationship, and some take even longer. On average, people need 5-6 dates to make it official.

Is it rare for a girl to ask a guy out? ›

First, keep in mind that asking someone out isn't that unusual. Apart from straight men asking women out, LGBTQ+ people ask each other out all the time.

How do you tell if a girl wants you to ask her out? ›

10 Signs She Wants You to Ask Her Out
  1. She starts liking something random you like after you mentioned you liked it. ...
  2. She touches your arm a lot. ...
  3. She laughs at everything you say. ...
  4. She keeps asking you to do the most odd, un relationships things. ...
  5. She sends you mail. ...
  6. She always wants to be in pictures with you.
Jul 18, 2012


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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.